LUONG VIET THAI The Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences
The article analyses several issues on school curriculum development. According to the author, the school curriculum is an educational plan of the school, which specifies the contents and ways of implementation while suiting the local and school context, meeing the common requirements set by the National curriculum: Specifying curriculum guidelines set by the locality; Identifying contents, methods, implementaion schedules which suit the characteristics and practice of the school, the modern achievements and demands (in terms of educational sciences, of technology...), aiming at meeting requirements on learner’s qualities and competencies as well as effectively implementing educational goals. The school curriculum, on the one hand, inludes factors set in the national curriculum, and on other hand, is supplemented with other educational factors defined by the locality or by the school. The development of school curriculum creates opportunities to develop the school’s and teacher’s capacities and to make teaching profession more professional. In order to implement this direction effectively, synchronic solutions on mechanism, policies and assurance conditions are required and appropriate steps must be difined.
school curriculum
Curriculum development
school education

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