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Số: /2020 Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 264

: The development of scientific research in the university as well as the development of research university models is increasingly attracting the attention of many scholars as well as scientific and educational policy makers of many countries around the world, including developing countries. Developing scientific research in the university as well as building the research university model is quite expensive and requires a developed national institutional environment to a certain extent. However, the development of scientific research in universities in general and research universities in particular has a particularly important mission in national sustainable development and requires countries, including developing countries and every university needs to have appropriate solutions and steps. This paper contributes to the clarification of the role and the application of theories to explain the role of university’s scientific research.

Số: /2020 Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 174

Under the impact of the socialist-oriented market economy and international integration, more and more autonomy has been assigned to public higher education institutions to encourage their appropriate and effective use of resources to improve training quality. In reviewing the model of human resource management and knowledge management based on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach, this paper presents a model built for developing academic staff under the consideration of several factors including external factors, internal factors, the autonomy and social responsibilities of the University for outputs, stakeholders (university administration board, investors, human resources units, university members) and the quality management of higher education institutions.

Số: /2020 Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 2,151

The paper presents the lecturing staff professional development process of the Education Faculty in a multi-disciplinary university the Mekong Delta of Vietnam within the current educational reform context. The paper is based on a qualitative interpretive case study that explored the context of the faculty and the practices of professional development for the teaching staff to address new requirements in higher education. Two data collection methods were used: analysis of policy documents (e.g. national educational policies, Education Law 2018, Higher Education Law 2019, provincial documents, and faculty reports), and informal interviews with four educational managers. The findings provided insights into the faculty context and developmental strategy, and revealed an imbalance in the faculty’s lecturing staff development and practical requirements. The paper offers some suggestions for the faculty’s developmental strategy and lecturers’ professional development, particularly to enhance the qualifications of the teaching staff who are capable of enacting educational reforms successfully in their local contexts.

Số: /2020 Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 512

Information Technology (IT) human resource development has been put on the top agenda for all countries’ development in the fourth industrial revolution.In this movement, Vietnam also has to deal with a huge gap between the demand and supply of high-quality IT human resources. The paper puts forward five major solutions for the inadequate IT human resources in Vietnam including (i) developing an optimum strategy for high-quality IT human resources; (ii) enhancing the cooperation and networking among different partiesincluding Government, training institutions, businesses; (iii) updating and diversifying the training programs; (iv) regenerating the good model/practice of connecting business - university - technology providers in integrated efforts of IT human resource development; (v) developing an information connecting portal.

Số: /2020 Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 484

The purpose of this study is to test the correct perceptions of parents on the influence of families on the formation and personality development of primary students in Vietnamese urban. This study uses a quantitative approach to data collection. The questionnaire was designed based on the Linkert scale that includes the awareness and evaluation of 136 parents of the students on the impact of family education on the personality of primary students in Vietnamese urban. The reliability of the scale was conducted on SPSS 20.0 software. The research results show that there are 5 contents and 5 family education methods that are commonly used by parents of students in urban areas of Vietnam where economic and social conditions are common. The parenting and educational level of the parents is relatively favorable. Most parents are aware of the importance of family education to the personality of primary students. The attention of parents plays an important role in the child’s personal development at the beginning of elementary school. With a traditional education background based on Confucian thought, Vietnamese families always give a lot of attention to their children. However, the fact shows that, in Vietnamese urban, the overdone care of parents negatively affects the personal development of children. The paper contributes to the literature on the role of family education in Vietnamese urban in the development of elementary school student character. In addition, the study also provides evidence to adjust the views of Vietnamese parents on the contents and methods of developing the personality of children, which is meant for reference for families, educators and researchers in similar contexts.

Số: /2020 Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 563

Global Citizenship Education (GCED) plays a critical role in training learners, including youths, to be critically literate, socially connected and concerned citizens. As well as the increasing international attention, GCED is also becoming a key point of focus in Vietnam educational context. The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences (VNIES) has conducted a national research project in which approximately 2000 school students, over 200 teachers and 100 school managers were involved to fill in paper questionnaires and interviews regarding GCED in their school settings. The results sketch a general picture of knowledge, skills and attitudes of Vietnamese students in relation with GCED. Insights from this research open up suggestions for further studies and investigations into teaching, learning and managing activities in Vietnamese schools in order to better implement GCED in the national education system.

Số: / Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 2,075
Số: / Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 2,039