SOLUTIONS TO USE CULTURAL HERITAGE INTO HISTORY TEACHING AT HIGH SCHOOL SO AS TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’COMPETENCEAt present, teaching methods towards developing students' competence has become a requirement for Vietnamese education. The basic skills need to be

SOLUTIONS TO USE CULTURAL HERITAGE INTO HISTORY TEACHING AT HIGH SCHOOL SO AS TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’COMPETENCEAt present, teaching methods towards developing students' competence has become a requirement for Vietnamese education. The basic skills need to be

NGUYEN THI VAN Hong Duc University
At present, teaching methods towards developing students' competence has become a requirement for Vietnamese education. The basic skills need to be developed for high school students include self-efficacy, problem- solving ability, creativity, managerial competence, communication capacity, collaborative capacity, Information technology and communication... Specifically: Create a heritage environment to organize teaching; Strengthen group capacity building activities of cooperation; strengthening the use of cultural heritage to develop self-learning capacity and problem-solving competence; Review the assessment with the support of cultural heritage materials, encouraging children to develop their own competence
Cultural heritage
high school
competence development

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