Nguyen Thi Trieu Tien nguyentrieutien@gmail.com University of Science and Education, The University of Danang 459 Ton Duc Thang, Lien Chieu, Da Nang City, Vietnam

Basing on the theoretical research method, the article collects, analyzes, synthesizes, systematizes, and generalizes scientific documents on observation skills of 5-6-year-old children by four contents: 1. The role of observation and observation skills in their cognitive activities; 2. Characteristics of their observation skills; 3. Methods of teaching children’s observation skills; 4. Factors affecting their observation skills. The research results give an overview of their observation skills, which have been studied and mentioned by domestic and foreign studies. In addition, they are the premise for further studies in the proposal, supplement, development, and completion of the objectives, contents, measures... to develop observation skills for preschool children in general and 5-6-year-old children in particular.

Research overview
observation skills
5-6-year-old children.

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