The main goal of the Vietnamese education system is to build a young generation with comprehensive development, including ethics, knowledge, health and skills suitable for future jobs. In addition to professional training activities, the students’ participation in extracurricular activities is very important. The research results indicates that among a total 10.81 percent of students from Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy currently participate in academic clubs, 2.85 percent of these students are currently participating in two or more clubs at the same time. In general, the students are satisfied with the quality of the academic clubs at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy. It has been demonstrated that factors related to the academic clubs’ quality are: activity frequency (p <0.001), frequency of member participation (p = 0.001), members’ initiative (p = 0.002), and members’ positivity (p = 0.006). The network of these clubs at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy is working quite effectively. Greater attention and support is required to expand and improve the quality of the clubs
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