Nguyen Thi Diem Hang* Vinh University No. 182 Le Duan street, Vinh city, Nghe An province, Vietnam
Le Danh Binh Vinh University No. 182 Le Duan street, Vinh city, Nghe An province, Vietnam
Bui Dinh Dat Vinh University No. 182 Le Duan street, Vinh city, Nghe An province, Vietnam
Along with the development of science and technology, educational technology has changed worldwide. The microlearning model has recently been implemented in teaching. By focusing on designing small learning content, the microlearning model captures learners’ attention and focus on learning activities. Using digital learning materials according to the microlearning model supports teachers in organizing diverse teaching activities, helping students learn proactively and flexibly. Therefore, incorporating digital learning materials towards the microlearning model into the classroom will bring certain benefits to teaching in general and Chemistry teaching in particular. This study aims to explore teachers’ usage and evaluation of digital learning materials towards the microlearning model in Chemistry instruction at high schools through a survey of 80 teachers in Nghe An and Ha Tinh provinces. The results indicated that teachers highly appreciate the role and effectiveness of digital learning materials towards the microlearning model in chemistry instruction. However, there are still challenges with further consideration. These results provide a basis to propose measures for developing and using digital learning materials towards the microlearning model in teaching 10th-grade chemistry.
digital learning materials
evaluation of teachers
Chemistry teaching
10th grade chemistry.

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