Chu Cam Tho The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences 101 Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam
Luu Truong Sinh* Chu Van An High School No. 271, Luu Nhan Chu street, Thai Nguyen city, Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam
Along with the strong development of information technology in recent years, blended learning is an inevitable trend in many countries, including Vietnam. Universities and high schools can apply this method to enhance the quality of teaching and learning Mathematics thanks to its outstanding advantages. The 2018 Math General Education Curriculum focuses on developing students’ logical thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, communication skills, and creating conditions for them to link Math knowledge with other subjects. At the same time, it encourages students to actively participate in the learning process through hands-on activities and discussions to solve problems. Coordinate geometry is one of the important parts of Mathematics with its wide practical applications. Using knowledge about coordinates can solve many complex issues. However, teaching and learning the topic of geometric coordinates in grade 10 hasn’t received much attention. This study analyzes blended learning opportunities on Coordinates in 10th grade Mathematics.
blended learning
high school

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