Le Hoang Quan Independent researcher No.8 Vo Thi Sau, Long Thanh, Dong Nai province, Vietnam
The current reality demonstrates that many students face challenges in solving word problems due to limitations in their abilities to analyze, organize information, plan, and evaluate solutions. The primary aim of this research is to propose strategies to support primary school students, particularly fifth graders, in developing mathematical problem-solving skills through the process of learning to solve word problems. The study underscores the critical role of mathematics in education and daily life, emphasizing that solving mathematical problems extends beyond obtaining answers; it serves as a means to cultivate logical reasoning and analytical thinking. By fostering the development of these skills, the research highlights that students not only enhance their mathematical proficiency but also improve their creative thinking and gain confidence in addressing academic challenges. Additionally, the proposed measures not only support students but also provide valuable reference materials for elementary school teachers and students majoring in primary education.
Developing competencies
Mathematical problem-solving competency
solving word problems
Mathematics in the General Education Program
primary education.

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