Nguyen Thi Nhai* Hanoi University Km9 Nguyen Trai street, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi, Vietnam
Nguyen Van Trao Hanoi University Km9 Nguyen Trai street, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi, Vietnam
Duong Thi Hoang Yen VNU University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 144 Xuan Thuy street, Cau Giay district, Hanoi, Vietnam
In the context of international integration, Vietnamese higher education institutions actively strive to attract foreign lecturers to enhance internationalization, foster scientific research and international publications, and improve regional and global university rankings. The role of foreign lecturers is undeniable and their presence has become increasingly popular. However, there is a dearth of research on foreign lecturers in Vietnam. To address this gap, we conducted a questionnaire survey with 57 foreign lecturers (in the period from 2015 to the present) from 22 countries who worked or have been working for public Vietnamese higher education institutions. The study uncovers these foreign lecturers' distinct characteristics and working experiences at public Vietnamese higher education institutions.
Foreign lecturers
higher education institutions

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