Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang ntttrang.hued@hueuni.edu.vn Hue University of Education, Hue University 34 Le Loi, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam
Micro-teaching has been shown to be effective in developing STEM teaching skills for pre-service Chemical teachers when the pedagogical training modules are limited in duration, but each STEM topic is often taught in several periods. With this teaching method, pre-service Chemistry teachers will practice teaching each small activity in a small group of students. Therefore, pre-service Chemistry teachers will be self-conscious, active, proactive; more time to interact, share and practice; more interesting in the formation and development of skills for each individual to be more convenient and effective. This article presents the theoretical basis of the STEM teaching skills and micro-teaching; principles, designing process and evaluation form based on the criteria of STEM teaching skills; standardizes the system of criteria for organizing STEM teaching through the reliability of each component skill and its validity by SPSS software.
STEM teaching skills
Criteria Rating Form
pre-service chemistry teachers

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