Applying the change management approach in managing teaching activities

Applying the change management approach in managing teaching activities

Nguyen Long Giao Ly Thanh Tong Secondary School 481 Ba Dinh, Ward 9, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
The new general education program promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training has been fundamentally reformed. Therefore, the management of schools, especially the teaching activities, must be changed to meet the requirements of the program. From now on, the school principals need to master and actively direct the renovation of teaching activities in secondary schools in order to implement the new general education program, aiming at promoting students’ competence. Based on the theory and approach to change management, the paper proposes a number of measures to direct the innovation process in teaching activities in schools towards the implementation of the general education program in Ho Chi Minh City in the current period.
change management
the new general education program

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