Some methods to improve emotional intelligence for preschool teachers in their professional activities

Some methods to improve emotional intelligence for preschool teachers in their professional activities

Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen Ministry of Education and Training 35 Dai Co Viet, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam
Emotional intelligence in professional activities of preschool teachers is the ability to reflect emotionally the significant stimuli which arises during their teaching activities. These abilities include identifying, using, understanding and controlling the feelings of children, parents, colleagues, and the feelings of themselves in the professional activities, aming at helping the preschool teachers fulfill their duties in taking care and educating the students. Necessarily, some methods should be adopted to improve emotional intelligence for the preschool teachers, such as: enhancing the awareness, practicing emotional intelligence, making bad moods decrease, encouraging good emotions, and forming an educational environment.
emotional intelligence
improving emotional intelligence
preschool teachers

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