Luong Thu Ha haluongthu@neu.edu.vn National Economics University 207 Giai Phong street, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi, Vietnam
In the context of comprehensive innovation and international integration in the field of education and training, many universities in Vietnam have focused on expanding training portfolios, improving training quality, developing and implementing high-quality programs, and accessing programs of prestigious universities in developed countries to meet international standards. On that basis, this study aims to evaluate graduates’ and employers’ satisfaction with high-quality programs in economics universities. They are considered crucial factors to evaluate and improve training quality. Despite many implemented high-quality programs, their training quality and form are still inequality. Therefore, satisfaction evaluation and improvement are necessary to create the most suitable choice for learners, thereby improving the quality of training and meeting the needs of employers.
higher education
high-quality training
graduates’ satisfaction
employers’ satisfaction
education program.

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