Danh sách bài viết

Số: /2020 Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 301

In this article, the author describes the outline of experiential teaching and learning activities such as project-based learning, learning games and so on. Besides, this article also focuses on organizing mini project-based learning activities and learning games in the experiential teaching of System Thinking subject at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education. Combination of both qualitative (observation, interview, practical product-based research) and quantitave (rubrics) research methods were applied to identify gradually changes of the core competences (collaboration and problem-solving) of technical students through participating in the experiential learning activities. Some minor suggestions are made on organizing the experiential learning activities in cohesion with learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities as well as using assessment to improve the core competences of technical students.