Danh sách bài viết

Số: /2020 Số CIT: 0 Số lượt xem: 589

Global Citizenship Education (GCED) plays a critical role in training learners, including youths, to be critically literate, socially connected and concerned citizens. As well as the increasing international attention, GCED is also becoming a key point of focus in Vietnam educational context. The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences (VNIES) has conducted a national research project in which approximately 2000 school students, over 200 teachers and 100 school managers were involved to fill in paper questionnaires and interviews regarding GCED in their school settings. The results sketch a general picture of knowledge, skills and attitudes of Vietnamese students in relation with GCED. Insights from this research open up suggestions for further studies and investigations into teaching, learning and managing activities in Vietnamese schools in order to better implement GCED in the national education system.