Nguyen Thi Dung The Vietnam National Institute of Education Sciences No.4 Trinh Hoai Duc street, Dong Da district, Hanoi, Vietnam
Amid the rapid changes in society, the demand for life skills education for students is becoming increasingly important. One of the key factors determining the effectiveness of life skills education is the competence of teachers. The life skills education competencies of primary school teachers encompass the ability to design, organize, guide, and assess life skills education activities. This article analyzes the components of primary school teachers’ life skills education competencies, including: 1) The competence to identify life skills education content, 2) The competence to design life skills education themes, 3) The competence to design plans for life skills education activities, 4) The competence to implement life skills education activity plans, 5) The competence to evaluate the outcomes of life skills education activities, which is structured into three dimensions: knowledge, skills, and attitudes, with detailed descriptions of the characteristic expressions of each component.
life skills education
structure of life skills education competence of primary school teachers.

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