Promoting skills-based education in the 21st century: A dataset of Vietnamese secondary students

Promoting skills-based education in the 21st century: A dataset of Vietnamese secondary students

Tóm tắt: 

As the world has become more digitally interconnected than ever before in the 21stcentury, the next generation is required to possess various sets of new skills to succeed in their works and lives. The purpose of the article is to present a dataset of socio-demographic, in-school, out-of-school factors as well as the eight domains of 21st-century skills of Vietnamese secondary school students. A total of 1183 observations from 30 secondary schools in both rural and urban areas of Vietnam are introduced in this dataset. The linear regression analysis was also utilized as an analysis example for this dataset. The insights generated from the dataset are hoped to contribute to skills-based education and policy planning in Vietnam.

Từ khóa: 
21st-century skills
secondary school
academic achievement
Tham khảo: 

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