National policy on education for sustainable development in Vietnam preschool and general education - Reality and solution

National policy on education for sustainable development in Vietnam preschool and general education - Reality and solution

Tóm tắt: 

In order to implement the National Action Plan of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, Vietnam needs to focus on completing the institutional policy system to ensure a full legal framework for the action plan, in which the education for sustainable development should always be focused. The article reviews the current status of national policies on education for sustainable development in preschool and general education in three areas of economy, culture - society and environment. From that point of view, the article provides some key findings about the achieved results, as well as the shortcomings and limitations of national policies related to education for sustainable development. Based on the results of the policy analysis, the authors have made recommendations on a number of key solutions to improve the effectiveness of planning and implementation of education policies for sustainable development in preschool and general education in Vietnam. Among the recommendations mentioned, the development and implementation of coordination mechanisms among stakeholders is considered as the key solutions to improve the effectiveness of planning and implementing education policies for sustainable development.

Từ khóa: 
education for sustainable development
preschool education
general education
Tham khảo: 

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