Developing listening and speaking skill for children with mild and moderate hearing loss preparing to enter inclusive grade 1

Developing listening and speaking skill for children with mild and moderate hearing loss preparing to enter inclusive grade 1

Nguyen Thi Bich Trang The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciencies 62 Phan Dinh Giot, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Viet Nam
A child’s hearing level will have different effects on the development of their listening and speaking skills in particular and their development in general. Developing listening and speaking skills for 5-6-year-old children with hearing impairment is the key to effectively enrolling deaf children in first grade. Enhancing these skills for children with hearing loss has similar steps for all other children. However, it is essential to base on their developmental characteristics, level of hearing loss, and language skills to determine appropriate goals, content, methods, and forms. Proposing measures to develop language skills for 5-6-year-old children with hearing impairment is based on theoretical issues about language and communication development in general and theỉ characteristics of language skills in particular. During the implementation process, teachers and parents must apply flexible measures to help children form language skills, creating conditions for them to effectively enter grade 1.
Hearing impaired children
listening and speaking skills
listening and speaking skills of deaf children
developing listening and speaking skills for deaf children
preparing to enter inclusive grade 1.


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