Improving the effectiveness of teaching political theory subjects towards digital transformation at political centers in Ho Chi Minh City

Improving the effectiveness of teaching political theory subjects towards digital transformation at political centers in Ho Chi Minh City

Pham Thanh Tuan University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Hanoi National University No. 336 Nguyen Trai street, Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi, Vietnam
Political theory education for cadres and party members plays a crucial role in the ideological work of the Party, contributing to building and consolidating the trust of cadres, party members, and people in the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Currently, in the international context of integration and development, digital transformation raises the issue of how to effectively implement educational work in general and political theory education in particular. The study aims to propose solutions for applying information technology and digital transformation into teaching political theory at political centers in Ho Chi Minh City for cadres, party members, and students to bring about quality and practical effectiveness. Based on exploring the theoretical and practical basis of political theory education, solutions are proposed to effectively and deeply implement political theory education in the context of digital transformation.
political theory
Digital competence
digital transformation
competence development.

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