No. Title Authors Pages 1 Locating Vietnamese Educafion on the World Map of Education: An Approach and lssues 1-5 2 On Segregated lnstruction 6-8 3 Integration in Teaching Literature 9-13 4 Renewed Titles of Composifions in the Upper Secondary School Literature Textbook 14-16 5 Steps to Be Taken to Organize an Effeofive Literature Teaching Period in Upper Secondary Schools Nowadays 17-18 6 Activating Learning Activifies in a Pratice Period in Biology in General Schools 19-22 7 Why Attach Importance to Driling Vietnamese Language-Practising Skills for Student Teachers in Kindergarten Teacher- Training Colleges 23-25 8 Process of Evaluating and Assessing Achievements Made by Upper Secondary School Students 26-29 9 Strategies of Developing Counseling Competence for Teachers 30-33 10 On Proportion and Structure in Plans for Training Upper Secondary School Teachers with Post-graduate Education in Me Kong River Delta Areas 34-36 11 Setting a Unified System of National Standards for Occupafional Competence for Evaluating and Accreditation 37-41 12 Quality of Educational Managers: Status Quo and Solutlons 42-45 13 Vai trò của các cấp quản lí trong xu thế phân cấp quản lí giáo dục đại học 42-45 14 Some Remarks and Comments on the Teaching and Learning of a Foreign Language in SchooIs not Specialized in Foreign Languages 50-51 15 Some Orientations to Educational Manager Training in Hanoi for the Period of 2006-2010 52-55 16 Some Recommendations about Drug Prevention in Universities, Colleges and Professional Secondary Schools 56-56 17 Several Sketches of Preventive AIDS Education in Thai Nguyes Secondary Schools 57-58 18 Decentralized and Deconcentrated Managerrent in Developing the General School Curriculum in a Number of Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region 59-63