No. Title Authors Pages 1 Proposing assessment model of general education curriculum after 2015 1-2 2 Assessing problem-solving competence at general schools 3-6 3 : Setting up development checklist for children in Vietnam 7-8 4 Integration of value and life skills for students 9-11 5 School impact on educating industrial culture values for students at general schools 12-14 6 Solutions to improve quality of teaching conservation law in Physics grade 10 15-16 7 Teaching national sciences subject towards interdiscipline approach -an effective tool to foster learners' social responsibility 17-18 8 Vocational education activities at schools and centers for continuing education- vocational technique in Binh Duong Province 19-22 9 Enhancing access to quality education for poor and labor children 23-27 10 Social skill of students with intellectual disability at the begining of primary school 28-30 11 Designing and using tools to assess students' creative competence in teaching organic Chemistry at high schools 31-34 12 based teaching and its application into training teacher of technique 35-38 13 To enhance competence of compiling teaching materials for young lecturers at the University of Technique- Logistics public security 39-41 14 Solutions for practising learning time management skill for students at Centers for continuing education 42-44 15 Teaching statistical Probability for students in Accounting department at industrial colleges towards professional competence 45-48 16 Ways to practise 'group working skill and self-employment competence' for students in Department of International studies - Vietnam National University, Hanoi 49-51 17 Visiting lecturers - an important factor to ensure 3 7 9 12 15 17 19 23 28 31 35 39 42 45 49 quality of teaching staff at private universities in the Central area. 52-54 18 Experience of action research on bilingual education basing on mother tongue for preschool teachers 55-58 19 Instructing local education managers to carry out action research on bilingual education 59-61 20 The traditional Buddhism system in Thailand 62-64