No. Title Authors Pages 1 Developing Technical and Vocational Education to Meet the Needs of International Economic Integrafion 2-5 2 Points of view about Human Development and Human Developmert Indexes (HD!) in the World and Vietnam 6-7 3 Two Opposite Tendencies in the World in Support of Commercializing Education and against lt and UNESCO Viewpoints about this issue 8-13 4 Conoeptions of Strategy and Developing a Strategy in Education 14-17 5 Effectivenss and Quality in Education 18-20 6 Curriculum and Curriculum Development Methodology 21-23 7 On Current Trends in Personality Psychology Development 24-26 8 Tuition Fee Policy in Higher Education in Our Country: Process, Strengths and weaknesses 27-31 9 Linkages of Heuristic Situations and Ideal Situations 32-35 10 Applying the Procedure of Solving the Mathematical Problem by G, Pụlya to Teaching Mathematically-gifted Students How to Do Exercises 36-38 11 On Several Concepts in Existing Early Childhood Educafion 39-42 12 Some supportive measures to help blind children to memorise the Vietnamese Braille signs 43-45 13 Solufions to lmprove the Management o† Practical Teaching for Technical Student Teachers Based on the lmplementing Competence Approach 46-48 14 A Number of Measures to Enhance Effectiveness in Using Seminars during the Process of Teaching Pedagogy in Da Nang Teacher-Training College 49-51 15 Challenges, Opportunities and Thỉngs to do in_Edueational Personnel Management of a University when Vietnam Joins WTO. Educational Realities 52-53 16 Nam Dinh Provincial Technical Teacher-Training College with the Task of. Training Technical Teachers with the level of Higher Education 54-56 17 Anti-drug Education and Preventive HIV/AIDS Education lImplemented by the Hanoi City Department of Education and Training 57-58 18 Education for Sustainability: Some Fundamental Issues 59-63